Appearance of the Risen One to women
M Mons. Vincenzo Paglia

Gospel (Mt 28,8-15) - At that time, having quickly abandoned the tomb with fear and great joy, the women ran to give the announcement to his disciples. And behold, Jesus came to meet them and said: «Greetings to you!». And they came and clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee: there they will see me." While they were on their way, behold, some guards came into the city and announced to the chief priests everything that had happened. These then gathered with the elders and, after consulting, gave a good sum of money to the soldiers, saying: «Say like this: “His disciples came in the night and stole him while we slept”. And if the matter ever comes to the governor's ears, we will persuade him and free you from all worries." They took the money and did as instructed. Thus this story has spread among the Jews to this day.

The commentary on the Gospel by Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia

The Church, as if not wanting us to leave Easter, makes us stay inside on the day of resurrection. The women have just received the announcement of Jesus' resurrection from the angel who invites them to go immediately to the disciples. And they "hastily abandoned the tomb, with fear and great joy, they ran to give the news to his disciples" (v. 8). While they run towards the house where the disciples were, Jesus goes to meet them and speaks almost with the same words as the angel: «Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee: there they will see me." The Master wants the Gospel of the resurrection to be announced to the disciples whom he calls his "brothers", as if to underline the desire for new familiarity. Easter must represent a new rebirth for all disciples. However, there is no shortage of those who would like to block Easter and its power of change so that everything remains as always. The evangelist narrates that the religious leaders, frightened by the guards' story, bribe them with money and convince them to lie: Jesus' body was stolen by the disciples while they slept. The Gospel presents two opposing testimonies: that of two poor women versus that of the guards, much more credible in the eyes of the authorities. The world wants the tombs sealed and uses lies and corruption so that the news that he has risen does not spread. From that first Easter, anyone who announces this news can be dragged before kings and judges to be condemned. And unfortunately today there are still many Christians who suffer from Easter. This is the meaning of the attacks that sometimes target Christians who gather to celebrate Sunday. It is that culture of death that continues to emerge in every way and that strikes Christians in their hearts, that of Easter. From this culture of death, contempt for all life is strengthened. The culture of death drugs the living, brutalizes them, extinguishes them, so that they are slaves and justifies the murderous trade: food is hidden from the hungry, drugs are offered to the resigned, weapons are sold to the angry. And we die, we die in many lands, and in many ways, believing that this happens for different reasons, but the plan is the same: that of the culture of death that wants men to be stupid and selfish servants from a young age. They also want to silence his disciples. We are not afraid! The Easter Gospel shows us that two poor women, obedient in everything to the Gospel, are enough to overcome the intrigue of the leaders and to make the dynamism of love of Jesus' resurrection run through history.